

Sandro Girotto e Franco Bressan

Edizioni Libreria Cortina Verona

It is time for a serious review of NFP methods effectiveness. There are some reasons for this:
1) the most important studies on this subject were carried out in the most recent years; 2) the interest in these methods has grown among and couples in general, even among those who report a certain "contraceptive tiredness"; 3) furthenmore, these methods can represent a simple and effective diagnostic instrument, also for the couples who are traying to achieve a pregnancy and this is particularly significant today because of the high percentage of so called "infertile couples".
The aim of this review is to provide health operators and NFP operators with a specific updating document in order to reflect on the demographycal and statistical aspects of NFP methods, comparing them, at least in part, with contraception.
Prof. Bernardo Colombo, a demograph at Padua University, and Prof. Robert T. Kambic, an epidemiologist at the John Hopkins University in Baltimora, USA (the same University of Raymond Pearl) having both a long research experiece in this field, are the experts we invited to make this review.